After so many questions from our United Kingdom clients, we nearly felt it was compulsory. We felt it was necessary to create the blog post that would once for all solve all their doubts. Because income tax can be one of the most complex taxes in Spain. So much so, if...
Balcells Group International Lawyers
Balcells Group International Lawyers’ Posts
Income Tax in Spain
For sure, one of the main taxes you will pay in Spain and in any other country. And due to that universality, income tax can be one of the most complicated taxes out there. And this creates many doubts. How much IRPF tax must be paid in Spain? Do I have to pay twice...
How to Work Remotely From Spain
As the world quickly moves towards mass digitalization, more and more people are becoming remote workers. Since the pandemic, it has become clearer to more individuals that it is not always necessary to stay in the office from 9 to 5, five days a week - or even at...
How to Get a Work Permit in Spain With a Student Visa
For many foreign students in Spain, the goal would be to convert from a student visa to a work visa in the country. On top of looking for a job, student visa modification can sound even more intimidating, but we promise it doesn’t have to be. So if you are finishing...
NIE NUMBER in Spain: How to get it
One of the most important things you will need to start a new life or carry out any type of economic or bureaucratic activity in Spain is the NIE number. As a foreigner in Spain, this number is what will be used to identify you. There are advantages to obtaining this...
VAT (Value Added Tax) Number in Spain: Registration Process
Does the economic activity of your business require operating with different countries inside Europe? Do you operate from Spain and sell goods to countries like France, Italy or the United Kingdom, or vice versa? Then, whatever the case is, you will need to register...
How to Get the Work Permit in Spain: A Complete Guide to Working Visas
Would you like to start living in Spain in order to work in the country? Then this guide is for you. Why? Because we are going to cover everything you need to know regarding the Spanish work permit. Types of working visas, legal application procedure, requirements and...
Intra-Corporate Transfer Residence Visa in Spain
Every single year a large number of foreign employees working for a multinational company relocate to Spain to start working at the Spanish headquarters. Whether it is to manage and direct teams, to carry out training tasks, or to provide the Spanish division with...
Residence Visa for Family Reunification in Spain
If you are a non-European citizen who has been legally residing in Spain for more than a year, you have the right to bring your relatives to the country with you. And this can be done through the family reunification visa. It’s actually quite simple, and in this...
Making a Will in Spain: Main Benefits and How to Draw One
Failing to plan is planning to fail. And when it comes to inheritance, this rule applies perfectly well. In this post you are about to learn how to draw up a will in Spain, which are all the benefits of doing it as a foreigner, all the costs associated, and you will...
Residency vs Stay Status in Spain: What is the Difference?
Experiencing the wonderful life that Spain offers expats worldwide requires just one thing: getting the residency and becoming a legal individual in the country. And then is when some doubts arise, especially when considering the length of your adventure in the...
What is the Difference Between Marriage and Civil Union in Spain? Differences & Similarities
There are many situations in a couple's life that will be completely affected by the type of legal relationship they have. Taxes, having children, pensions, breaking up... It is then that understanding what is best for your interests will be fundamental, because...
Which Are the Taxes Paid in Spain? Spanish Tax System
As in any economy under the Welfare State, Spain collects taxes to finance its public spending. Health, pensions, public education ... these are some of the areas supported through tax collection. But, which are the taxes that are paid in Spain exactly? In this post,...
The Job Seeking Visa in Spain
Time is valuable, and many of us would surely wish for more of it. In case you you are a student in Spain who would like to eventually work in the country, we have good news for you. The job seeking visa will give you more time to stay in Spain while you look for...
What is the Non-Resident NIE in Spain?
No matter what you do in Spain, you will need an NIE number. The thing is that, for many legal procedures like buying a property or opening a bank account, you don't need to be a resident in the country. That is when you will get a non-resident NIE. And in this...
What is best, Working as a Self-Employed Individual or as a Company (S.L.) in Spain?
You already have your idea. You have exactly defined which will be the sector. You also have the business model. You know how you are going to get clients. You know which will your competitive advantages be. And, especially, you are eager to start NOW. But before...
The 4 Types of Arraigo in Spain: Residency Under Exceptional Circumstances
Are you in Spain illegally without a residence permit and have been in the country for some time now? Then keep on reading. Because the residency through arraigo may be the option you need to regularize your situation and obtain temporary residence for exceptional...
Spanish Citizenship for Sephardic Jews: Requirements and Application Process
In this article you will learn everything you need to know about how to get Spanish citizenship as a Sephardic Jew, corresponding laws and application procedure. Not only we will talk about the exact deadline, documents, and requirements. We will also explain what...