New residency for relatives of Spanish citizens

New residency for relatives of Spanish citizens

Will we say goodbye to the arraigo familiar and the EU family member card? The new residency for family members of Spanish citizens could have the answer, and in this post you will find out. One of the great novelties contained in the draft of the imminent reform of...
New sociolaboral arraigo in Spain

New sociolaboral arraigo in Spain

One of the main changes that we have received in the draft of the new Immigration Reform has been the appearance of a new type of residence for exceptional circumstances: arraigo “sociolaboral”. What exactly does this new residency consist of, how can it...
2024 Mass Regularization in Spain: Latest News

2024 Mass Regularization in Spain: Latest News

In 2024, Spain is facing a new process of mass regularization for foreigners in irregular situations. What is still a legislative initiative for now has sparked intense debate within the entire community and the active participation of various parliamentary groups. In...
What is Spanish nationality by simple presumption?

What is Spanish nationality by simple presumption?

Being born in Spain does not automatically grant Spanish nationality by presumption. The principle governing this is “ius sanguinis,” which means that children born to parents with Spanish nationality are considered Spanish citizens. Therefore, the fact...
Homologation of the Baccalaureate Degree in Spain

Homologation of the Baccalaureate Degree in Spain

Are you planning to come to Spain to study soon? Then, depending on the educational stage you are in, it may be useful for you to know how to homologate the Baccalaureate or high school degree in our country. Because homologating this qualification is a fundamental...