Nowadays, the vast majority of legal or administrative procedures can be carried out online. However, in order to verify your identity online and formalize any legal process effectively, you need a digital certificate. In this article we will show you exactly what...
Balcells Group International Lawyers
Balcells Group International Lawyers’ Posts
Intra-Community Operator: NIF, VIES and International VAT
Nowadays, it is very common for freelancers or companies to provide their services not only at a national level, but also addressing the European market. Either they have customers there, or they want to expand and explore new markets. If this is your case and you...
EORI Number in Spain: When Do You Need One + Steps to Get It
No matter your economic activity or sector. If you are going to import or export goods within the European Union, you need an EORI number. This is the identification data that you will be asked by the customs authorities. That is why, in this article, we will talk...
Taxes for Self-employed or Freelancers in Spain
The idea sounds promising: becoming a self-employed worker while enjoying the amazing life Spain offers. No boss, no fixed schedule. You can organize yourself to devote time to experience the Spanish lifestyle. But then, something bad happens: taxes. And self-employed...
Trademark Registration in Spain: How to Register Your Brand Name
Once you have your business idea clear, the next step is to register your trademark. Not only will it give you a differential value against competitors, but registering your trade name will also legally protect you in the marketplace. However, it is very likely that...
Payroll in Spain: Elements, How to Calculate Yours and More
Have you received your first paycheck and don't understand what it says? Would you like to know the differences between net and gross salary to understand why you get paid much less than you were told? In this article, we will review everything you need to know about...
EU Blue Card in Spain
Would you like to get a work permit that allows you to work in any European Union country? Well, now you can thanks to the EU blue card. And in this article we will explain everything you need to know about this residence authorization and how to get it step by step...
What is the Cadastral Value of a Property?
Whenever you decide to buy a property in Spain, this word appears early on the process. No matter if the purpose is to reside or to invest, knowing the cadastral value is essential. And in this article, we will go over the main issues related to this concept. What is...
Mortgage in Spain for Expats
You have now decided you would like to start living in Spain. You even decided which will be your new city. Now it’s time to buy your new property or house. And that involves an important implication: you need to get the money to pay for the property. And we are...
How to Get the Residency in Spain Through Civil Union (“Pareja de Hecho”)
There are many ways to get residency in Spain. But the vast majority of them demand requirements that are difficult to meet. However, there is a widely used option by non-European citizens: the civil partnership. And it may be one of the easiest ones. In this article,...
Taxes When Selling a Property in Spain
Are you considering selling your house? Then you should read this article. Because knowing the exact costs and taxes when selling a property in Spain is really important. It can save you money and let you enjoy all the tax liabilities you are entitled to. They say...
Expat Health Insurance in Spain: A Complete Guide
Do you need private health insurance to live in Spain? Which are the main requirements your insurance must meet in order to be valid for residency? In this article we will solve those doubts and more. We will go over everything you need to know about expat health...
How to Register as “Autónomo” (Self-Employed) in Spain as an Expat
Moving to a whole new country and working as freelance may sound intimidating - especially when it comes to completing all the necessary legal paperwork and paying taxes. But when it comes to Spain, becoming an autónomo or a freelancer as a foreigner is not as scary...
Inheritance Tax in Spain for Expats: Exact Rates and Allowances
Maybe one of the most complex taxes in the Spanish taxation system. How much inheritance tax should you pay? The answer depends on many factors, and planning here will be essential to avoid paying extra money. But in this article we will solve all your doubts. We will...
How to Open a Bank Account in Spain
Whether you are going to start your new life in Spain or you are about to carry out any kind of economic activity, opening your bank account in the country will become a fundamental task. And the reality is that for most foreigners this ends up becoming especially...
Empadronamiento in Spain: How to Register your Address as a Resident
Many individuals planning to move to Spain have heard that they need to “empadronarse”. But, what exactly is that? Which purpose does it serve? In this article, we will cover all the related information regarding this process. What is it all about, when should you do...
How to Retire in Spain: Residency, Where to Live, Money & More
We could start by highlighting everything that Spain has to offer. But let's avoid the typical "sun, perfect weather, great food,..." statement. We all know that. So now that you are already convinced about how amazing Spain is, let's dive deep into what's important....
How to Find a Job in Spain
Finding a job these days can be difficult, especially as a foreigner facing all the competition in a much more globalized world. What more getting a job in a different country? It is definitely a dream for many to live and work abroad, and Spain is a country that many...