Highly Qualified Worker’s Visa

spain immigration lawyers barcelona We’ll guide you step-by-step so that you successfully obtain this visa

immigration lawyers spain cost We’ll understand your situation and give you personalized advice

Immigration laws spain You’ll get a complete list of the required documents

Now, get legal reassurance you seek from experts who have dealt with hundreds of cases like yours

Fill out the form talk to a lawyer!

    Personalized legal assistance

    Through our consultations (online or at our offices), our immigration lawyers will analyze your situation and define which are the required steps to obtain your highly qualified visa.

    Enjoy a successful residency application

    Forget about the paperwork. Our team will be in charge of managing the whole legal procedure so you can obtain your work permit comfortably and as fast as possible.

    Step by step with you

    We will also help you solve everything related to starting your new life in Spain. From easily understanding your tax situations to helping you buy a property in the country or bring your relatives with you. We are ready to help!

    Would you like to start living and working in Spain? With the Highly Qualified Visa, you can do it effortlessly. This residence permit will allow you to live and work for a company in Spain for 2 years (you can apply for its renewal afterwards and stay for the long-run). You would just need to find a job offer as a highly-skilled worker and demonstrate you are a graduate/postgraduate from a university or prestigious business school, and that’s it!

    Required documents to apply for the Highly Skilled Worker Visa in Spain

    • Job contract as a skilled staff member
    • Job description
    • Your CV
    • Copy of your passport
    • College degree
    • Legal documents from the employer
    • Criminal records

    How to make sure you are eligible

    There are a few requirements you will need to make sure you meet:

    • You should have completed a masters or Ph. D
    • Your tasks must be regarded as skilled or highly qualified, meaning that you will hold a managerial or tecnical position
    • You will earn more than €40,000 per year

    What our clients think about us

    We will submit your application online!

    Our team will take care of sending the application or renewal documents for your application completely online, so you can get the residency without having to leave your home.

    Our immigration lawyer team

    “Passionate about what we do, and persevering until we achieve it

    Get access to a full guide about the highly skilled professional visa!

    Here you will find:

    • What exactly the highly qualified visa is and what it allows 
    • A step by step explanation of the application process 
    • A list with of all the requirements and documents
    • How to bring your family to Spain with this visa
    • How to renew it
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