If you are in the process of obtaining your residency card or renewing it, you will find this article really useful. Because there is an administrative payment that you must make, and in this article we explain how. Keep on reading to find out everything you need to know about the fee 790/012 (fingerprinting fee): how much and when to pay it, and exactly how to do it step by step.
What is 790/012 fee?
The tax model 790/012 is the fee that you must pay to the administration in order to complete the process of obtaining residency in Spain (including your card renewal).
As you already know, obtaining your residence permit consists of different phases.
Once you have submitted your application and the immigration office has accepted your file, the last step in the process is to go to the national police to get your residence card issued (TIE).
At this point, together with your passport, passport photos, and form EX-17, you will have to pay this 790/012 fee in order to complete the process.
You will then have to register your fingerprints (whether you are applying for your initial card or for a renewal); and that is why this fee is also known as the fingerprint fee.
When do I have to pay the fingerprint fee?
As we have already mentioned, you will have to pay this fee once you go to the national police office (by appointment) to get your TIE or physical residence card after having received a favorable resolution in your immigration case.
Thus, more specifically, the payment of the TIE fee is required for:
- Registering your fingerprints at the national police
- Applying for your initial residence card
- Issuance of the TIE (Tarjeta como Identidad de Extranjero)
- Renewal of your residence authorization
- Registration as an EU citizen in Spain
- Long-term residence
- Loss, loss or theft of the TIE
How much does the fee model 790 cost?
Before giving you an exact amount, bear in mind that the amount of this fee is updated every year (always into a higher one); so you should take the figures we will now see as a reference.
In addition, the price changes according to the type of residence permit you are applying for:
- Initial residence authorization: 16,08€
- Renewal of temporary residence authorization: 19,30€
- Long-term or EU long-term residence: 21,87€
- EU family member card or EU registration certificate: 12,00€
You can access here to a complete list of the fees for each of the immigration procedures
How to pay tasa 790/012 at ATM?
Below we detail the process to pay this fee effectively.
- The first thing you should do is to access the form from the National Police website (link in the following section)
- Then, you must fill it. You will see that the price of the fee is updated automatically when you select the required option
- Once completed and downloaded (note that you will get 3 sheets: one for the administration, one for you, and one for the bank), you can take it to any bank to make the payment.
- Upon arriving at your preferred bank, you will be able to make the payment directly at an ATM, either by scanning the barcode or by entering the code that will appear on the form. This is true for the vast majority of banks.
- Then, you will get a receipt, which you must keep with you and bring on the day of your appointment with your TIE application.
How to pay tasa 790/012 online?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay this fee online.
You will have to follow the instructions specified in the section above and pay in person through any ATM.
What you can do online is download the tax form. How to do it? That is what we explore in the next section.
Direct download link for the TIE fee
As mentioned above, you must access the online form, complete it and download it in order to pay the fee at the bank:
Download here the tax form 790/012
And, if you have any doubts, our team of immigration lawyers are ready to help!
Book a consultation with one of our lawyers and solve all your doubts:
At Balcells Group, we have over 11 years of experience helping individuals and businesses with all their legal needs when moving to Spain. We specialize in immigration law, tax advisory, business consultancy, and real estate, providing a personalized approach for each client. Our multilingual team understands the importance of adapting to the cultural and legal specificities of our international clients. We offer a comprehensive service that combines the expertise of several generations of lawyers with the innovation needed to address today’s legal challenges, always with the goal of simplifying processes and ensuring reliable, effective results.