If you are planning to open your business in Spain or start working in the country as a foreigner, keep on reading. The Spanish business culture is very peculiar, and in this article we will show you the main pillars that will help you understand how to do business in...
When you realize that there are more than 10 types of companies in Spain, choosing the ideal entity for you is not an easy task. However, in this article we make it easy for you. We will navigate through the different types of business structures within the Spanish...
If you want to start your own business in Spain you will need to create a business plan. And that is a fundamental and key document, as it is something that the administration carefully analyses before deciding whether or not to grant you a work permit. Therefore, in...
Nowadays, the vast majority of legal or administrative procedures can be carried out online. However, in order to verify your identity online and formalize any legal process effectively, you need a digital certificate. In this article we will show you exactly what...
Nowadays, it is very common for freelancers or companies to provide their services not only at a national level, but also addressing the European market. Either they have customers there, or they want to expand and explore new markets. If this is your case and you...
No matter your economic activity or sector. If you are going to import or export goods within the European Union, you need an EORI number. This is the identification data that you will be asked by the customs authorities. That is why, in this article, we will talk...
The idea sounds promising: becoming a self-employed worker while enjoying the amazing life Spain offers. No boss, no fixed schedule. You can organize yourself to devote time to experience the Spanish lifestyle. But then, something bad happens: taxes. And self-employed...
Once you have your business idea clear, the next step is to register your trademark. Not only will it give you a differential value against competitors, but registering your trade name will also legally protect you in the marketplace. However, it is very likely that...
Have you received your first paycheck and don’t understand what it says? Would you like to know the differences between net and gross salary to understand why you get paid much less than you were told? In this article, we will review everything you need to know...
Moving to a whole new country and working as freelance may sound intimidating – especially when it comes to completing all the necessary legal paperwork and paying taxes. But when it comes to Spain, becoming an autónomo or a freelancer as a foreigner is not as...
As the world quickly moves towards mass digitalization, more and more people are becoming remote workers. Since the pandemic, it has become clearer to more individuals that it is not always necessary to stay in the office from 9 to 5, five days a week – or even...
Does the economic activity of your business require operating with different countries inside Europe? Do you operate from Spain and sell goods to countries like France, Italy or the United Kingdom, or vice versa? Then, whatever the case is, you will need to register...